Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So, it has been quite a while since I've last blogged my brains out. But, I'm here now and I'm hunkering down and I'm going to get it done. The last time I blogged was before our tailgate. Well mom and dad came (only on there way to Trav's - Todd would jealously say. lol) to help with our missions conference and tailgate. When we first got to EMU with hundreds of water bottles, hotdogs, brats, and cookies, we were one of the few tailgaters there. As the cold, and wet morning progressed, we realized that we were not going to stand out. Let the brainstorming begin! We had several flyers (very creative design by Kristi, I might add) with us. So several of us started passing them out and posting them all over places in and around the stadium - even in bathroom stalls. As we started getting out the food and such, a few people started trickling in but not nearly the volume of people we thought we would get. Another girl and I went to the dollar tree and purchased some poster board and markers. When we got to the parking lot, the sign making ensued. We posted some more signs and then went into the game. Second half rounds the corner and I may be part icicle by now. One person not hampered by the cold though was working hard, maybe even to the point of scaring people (not really), was my dear mother in law. There she was waving people down with a sign shouting FREE FOOD! The real draw came when Joe Divelbiss and Aaron Graham went and got some hot chocolate. With that, my mom, and the end of the game drawing near, people were coming in droves! We got some really good contacts and had a great time. God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Even though I already knew how it all turned out, it was still fun to read about it. Praise God!
