Friday, October 9, 2009

Coincidence is for suckers

One of the many many things I love about being a Christian is that I get a front row seat to see God work. Calvary is hosting a missions conference for college ministry. We were originally going to have a day with workshops and some food and games later. But instead we decided to do an evangelistic tailgate party. I wasn't quite sure how we were going to get the word out, but it was going to happen.

Anyways, a guy in our college group comes to Bible study and says he has some news. He just happened to go to the EMU student center to just hang out a little. A friend of his who Todd has been talking to and collaborating with for some ministry stuff "just happened" to be early for work. While the two were talking, a mutual friend walks up. She's one of those people who is involved in everything. As the conversation rounded about on the tailgate, it just so happens that she can sponsor the event! All she needs is about 700 flyers and 15 posters...Well far be it for me to question how something is going to take place when it's obvious that God wants it. God is so sovereign and amazing! Pray for our event!

And for the record, I definitely don't believe in coincidence.