Thursday, December 31, 2009

And this little girly went wii wii wii all the way home

I am ashamed to admit that I am completely benefiting from my husband's birthday gift. I feel as if I chipped in with the family to buy myself a gift for his birthday. For Todd's thirtieth birthday, some of us chipped in to get him a Wii. For Christmas, I received from Trav and Kaci, the new Mario brothers. (thank you trav and kaci) So four games later, we have some crazy fun stuff going on here in the Walker household.
Our college group back in Michigan(miss you guys) will most definitely benefit from "Todd's" gift also. I'm thinking we may never be alone again when they find out. Oh well, such is life. (: But the most exciting think that we are going to get, for me anyways, is the Wii Fit plus. Because I don't get a treadmill, it will be a different kind of exercise. Hopefully, it will work. Anyways, that's all I have for now. Happy new year!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fantastically Amazing Fun for my Feet

My husband has recently come up with a very endearing nickname for me. He somehow came up with the name in the middle of being awake and asleep. I climbed into bed and he turned and then I heard it...carpet-face. How romantic. (: Anyways, the reason for this fun little story is my affinity for all things feet. I LOVE LOVE LOVE socks, slippers, shoes, galoshes, and anything else you can think of that would fit on a foot. It is even better if it's fuzzy (that also goes for blankets).You can pretty much count on me wearing fuzzy socks or slippers, especially in bed. If I weren't all ready married I would probably marry fuzzy socks or slippers. The prime gift this year to others from my husband I was something for feet. Socks in people's stockings, slippers for grandma, shoes for mom, and I also got slippers for me from Target. Seriously, anyone who doesn't feel the same way probably needs to examine their heart.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So, it has been quite a while since I've last blogged my brains out. But, I'm here now and I'm hunkering down and I'm going to get it done. The last time I blogged was before our tailgate. Well mom and dad came (only on there way to Trav's - Todd would jealously say. lol) to help with our missions conference and tailgate. When we first got to EMU with hundreds of water bottles, hotdogs, brats, and cookies, we were one of the few tailgaters there. As the cold, and wet morning progressed, we realized that we were not going to stand out. Let the brainstorming begin! We had several flyers (very creative design by Kristi, I might add) with us. So several of us started passing them out and posting them all over places in and around the stadium - even in bathroom stalls. As we started getting out the food and such, a few people started trickling in but not nearly the volume of people we thought we would get. Another girl and I went to the dollar tree and purchased some poster board and markers. When we got to the parking lot, the sign making ensued. We posted some more signs and then went into the game. Second half rounds the corner and I may be part icicle by now. One person not hampered by the cold though was working hard, maybe even to the point of scaring people (not really), was my dear mother in law. There she was waving people down with a sign shouting FREE FOOD! The real draw came when Joe Divelbiss and Aaron Graham went and got some hot chocolate. With that, my mom, and the end of the game drawing near, people were coming in droves! We got some really good contacts and had a great time. God is good!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coincidence is for suckers

One of the many many things I love about being a Christian is that I get a front row seat to see God work. Calvary is hosting a missions conference for college ministry. We were originally going to have a day with workshops and some food and games later. But instead we decided to do an evangelistic tailgate party. I wasn't quite sure how we were going to get the word out, but it was going to happen.

Anyways, a guy in our college group comes to Bible study and says he has some news. He just happened to go to the EMU student center to just hang out a little. A friend of his who Todd has been talking to and collaborating with for some ministry stuff "just happened" to be early for work. While the two were talking, a mutual friend walks up. She's one of those people who is involved in everything. As the conversation rounded about on the tailgate, it just so happens that she can sponsor the event! All she needs is about 700 flyers and 15 posters...Well far be it for me to question how something is going to take place when it's obvious that God wants it. God is so sovereign and amazing! Pray for our event!

And for the record, I definitely don't believe in coincidence.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Are you Mafia?

Going into marriage was a very exciting thing for me. I met my match and now I get to live with him for the rest of my life. And bonus...I no longer live with my parents. Sorry mom and dad, I love you, but it's way more fun here.

Being in ministry, Todd and I have college kids at our house at least three nights a week. We have food, fun, games, and most importantly fellowship and prayer and Bible study. Thursday nights we have bible study and Sunday night is SNAC (Sunday Night After Church).

Some interesting things have come up about the people during some fun and games in the college group. Our friend Aaron Dietz throws everyone a curveball by just lying about anything just because. Darcy and Brooke, some avid fans of mafia, can't be trusted either. KC and Todd are arch enemies, unless of course Aaron annoys KC first. But it was during one of these get togethers that I found out my husband is the biggest ratfink ever. With his babyface and pretty brown eyes, my husband can make anyone believe him. I could come back from the dead in the game of mafia and have hard evidence that he is the mafia, and still....Todd wins. Although Todd wants me to make clear the only time he lies is during mafia so he can win....or so he says.(:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Lessons From Rotating Babies

Last week one of the best things happened in a long time...I quit IHOP. Now that I don't work there anymore I feel like I have so much more free time. But I also have started being a babysitter again. I helped with childcare for a Bible study for nurses and just about all the women there were new mothers or they just spend every waking moment with there children.
A lady and myself were in charge of the babies - about seven of them. We were doing just fine and along comes a mother... "Oh I'm just checking on him, maybe he can take a nap now with me." Of course another baby starts crying and here comes mom harking to the cry of her child.
Only mom can change the diapers, only mom can give baby its pacifier, and only mom can stop it's crying. I now have a new favorite game. It's called rotating babies. After about two hours of handing off and trading children we ended with two babies.

The lesson I have learned are the following:
1. A crying baby is not the end of the world
2.Paying a babysitter is pointless if you won't let he or she actually do anything.
3.A nap isn't going to happen in the same room with twelve talking women.
4. Being apart from a child for one hour a week is probably not enough.
5. Jewelry also can double as a handle.
6. Chewed up graham cracker is a great moisturizer.
In the far far off future when Todd and I have children, hopefully I don't eat my words.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ablogging we will Go

So this is the first time I've ever blogged and I'm afraid that it's not going to be too exciting this time. Todd's and my exciting afternoon was littered with naps and dishes. I am going to try to remember that I have this little thing and hopefully it won't be too dry. But for'll have to deal.